perjantai 30. lokakuuta 2015

Lähdön tunnelmissa

Lähden reissuun avoimin mielin ja melko rennosti siitä huolimatta etten ole ulkomailla pahemmin käynyt lukuunottamatta pakollisia Ruotsin ja Viron päiväreissuja, lentokoneessakin olen elämäni aikana ollut kerran ja silloinkin lento kesti peräti n. tunnin. Tsekki ja sen kautta kohdepaikka Mikulov vaikuttaa mielenkiintoiselta paikalta, maaseudun rauhallisuus on aina tuntunut viehtävältä asialta ja paikan keskiaikainen arkkitehtuuri kivitaloineen ja linnoineen joilla on varmasti kiinnostavaa historiaa tuottaa mielenkiintoisen miljöön, myös paikallinen koulu kuulostaa kuuleman perusteelta mukavalta ja mielenkiintoista nähdä miltä paikallinen toiminta näyttää suhteessa Suomeen. Myöskin vieraan maan kulttuurissa toimiminen ja sen erillaisuudet suhteessa kotimaahan esim. ruoan ja tapojen perusteelta ja pääasiallisesti englannin kielellä kommunikointi tuntuvat haasteena hyvältä sillä eipä ole Tsekkiläisistä kulinäärisistä ilmiöistä kokemusta enkä ole myöskään päässyt tähän asti harjoittamaan mielestäni sujuvaa englanninkielentaitoani ääneen, saa myös nähdä miten huumorilla paikalliset ottavat vastaan Tsekinkielen lyhyen oppimäärän. Ryhmästä on myös hyvät fiilikset, Maija tuo ekan viikon ryhmänjohtajana ja Tsekin ennestään reissanneena veteraanina rautaista kokemusta noviiseille, uskon että kaikki tulevat toimeen keskenään ja porukan kanssa on mukava reissata ja tehdä töitä, toivon mukaan myös kaikki tutustuvat toisiinsa paremmin.

Eikun länttä kohti, na shlenadou!

This is who I am

Hello. My name is Mikko, I am an old man at the ripe age of 25.

I live in Finland in a sinkhole called Vantaa in Rekola district with my parents.

My hobbies include rotting my brain in front of a computer (which you could almost call a lifestyle at this point), preteding to know how to play guitar and piano, playing various video games and occasionally attempting excercise.

I have a pet cat who I hold very dear (even though I've unofficially named him Bastard)

I study catering at Keskuspuisto Vocation Collage in Helsinki at Tenholantie unit to hopefully one day be a chef, my studies include learning to get to know, identify and prepare various ingredients as food, the necessary hygiene procedures concerning my vocation as well as table setting for various occasions; everyday, thematic and formal.

My favorite movie is probably the science fiction film Blade Runner; I enjoy it's compelling story, well-written characters and the overall bleak but possibly accurate futuristic setting and theme of the film that questions our very identity and what it means to be a human being. I don't really watch television that much these days so naming a single favorite series is difficult, but I generally enjoy TV-series from the 1980's and 90's like MacGyver, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Twin Peaks and Miami Vice because I grew up with those series and I also appreciate their themes, production values at the time and their lighthearted campiness compared to today's standards.

Like TV-series, naming a single favorite game proves quite a challenge, I enjoy a lot of different games from old fashioned board games to video games, but my favorite kind of videogame are fighting games, which I enjoy for their technical skill requirement, 1-on-1 setting and competitive nature as well the social aspect of people gathering together for their favorite thing.

For a favorite book it is hard to say (notice a trend here?) as I haven't really read books that much, in my youth I read a lot of the Harry Potter novels and some other books for youths, but lately I've tried to get more into it and I have generally enjoyed reading hard science fiction novels from well-received authors like William Gibson and the Strugatsky brothers, I've also always wanted to read some classical liteature like Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and the works of Ernest Hemingway.

For music, I enjoy a wide variety of genres from hip hop, synth pop and dance music to rock, blues and heavy metal, the only exception that I explicitly cannot stomach at all is dubstep, and overall I enjoy older music from the 60's to the 90's. I tend go over "seasons" where I listen to some genre/artist more than others and lately it's been 80's pop music like Pet Shop Boys and Genesis. My overall favorite bands are AC/DC and Iron Maiden.

I'd describe myself as a warm, calm and pretty easygoing kind of person who tends to keep a cool head in things and take most everyday things lightly with a touch of humor, which is evident from my chattiness (probably to the point of annoyance for people around me), but I still have my serious side and can get easily (and possibly comically) irritated when things don't go the way I'd want them to go, I also can be a bit on the shy side around new people as I generally need a little time to get used to a new group and get to know it for me to feel relaxed, after that I'd like to think myself easily approchable and at least tolerable.

Thanks for reading!
Harjoittelen tässä tervehdyksiä tsekiksi! Brzy se opet sejdeme!

tiistai 27. lokakuuta 2015

Lähdön tunnelmissa.

Olen todella innoissani että pääsen 2vk vahtoon Tsekkiin.

En ole ollut ennen siellä päin tai edes vaihdossa missään muualla.

Odotan innollani tätä matkaa ja mitä kaikkee siellä saa oppia.

Jännitän vähäsen sitä matkaa ja myös lentämistä koska olen aina ollut lentopelkoinen mutta ehkä tämän jälkeen tykkäisin lentämisestä.

Olen ennen lentänyt 2kertaa.

Toivottavasti oppisin Tsekki kieltä että, pystyisin kommunikoida muiden Tsekkiläisten kanssa.

This is who I´m

My name is Annika
I`m nineteen years old

I live in Helsinki (malminkartano)  with my mom and stepfather, but I soon going to be living together with boyfriend

 I study to become cook at Keskuspuisto vocational college

I have one bigsister, four littlesisters and one littlebrother

My hobbies are training, hanging out with my friends and my boyfriend, dancing, listening to music

I have one dog

When I graduate I get a tattoo

My favorite movie is  Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Smith is a 2005 American romantic comedy action film

My favorite music is hardstyle

It is my first time to go   czech with  teachers and classmates because i never went to school trip before since i always with my parents travel a lot . 
I would like to see what place is czech's like and what kind  stuff czech have ?.
 I would like to learn something that i never learn before

maanantai 26. lokakuuta 2015

this is who i am

This is who i am

My name is Minka Liimatainen.
I live in Arabianranta, Helsinki .
I don`t have hobby, but I indulget in horse riding.
This is my pet 
I study at keskuspuisto vocational college in Helsinki .
I study qualification in hotel,restaurant and catering sector. 
My favorite movie is Despicable Me.
My favorite TV series is Salatut elämät.
My favorite game is Skyrim in Xbox. 


  Hello  my name is Jenni yap  but you can call me jenny
I live in helisinki finnland
My hobbies are dance, sing , song album and coloring
I study at keskuspuisto vocational college in Helsinki metsällä
I like to travel with my family because I travel since I was a baby and all cousin live in Malesia
I can speak 4 languages English, finnish, Cantonese and little Japanese as interesting
I always like to see new places in the world that I have not visited  but me and my family have visited 20 countries or maybe 27 countries around the world
I have mom , dad and big sister
I love games , comics , mangas and food that I like .